States performance parameters and sets expectations for general scope of work, design and engineering, travel expense, change order policy, Company/Manufacturer warranty, description of construction phases, insurance provided, breach of contract, and payment schedule (3 pages). Having a signed Client Contract in place is the best way to keep good customers satisfied and the business covered.
Cost $150.00
Change Order Forms or what we like to call an Additional Work Request is designed for the in-field tracking of changes and additions to the project. This form provides a check-list of items to consider and notes the room and system affected as well as the impact to related labor and associated trades. Client signs to accept the additional work and changes requested.
Cost $75.00
Provides a checklist of tasks to be completed prior to leaving the job-site specific to the phase. Includes tasks such as continuity check, site clean up, updating the the forms and as-builts and confirming the schedule. This assists your technician perform to your company's high standards.
Cost $75.00
Provides a recommended list of Income and Cost of Goods Sold which separate product by category and labor by phase. Also includes recommended QuickBooks labor and payroll items that map the project information to the corresponding Income and Cost of Goods Sold accounts.
Cost $85.00
States general rules of conduct, safety guidelines, appearance, work hours, overtime, breaks, vacation, pay periods, probation period, payroll periods, disciplinary procedures, medical disclosure, use of company property and many other areas that need to be defined in order to communicate expectations and performance standards (24 pages). Ask us to send you the list of contents;
Cost $250.00
Defines what is confidential information, states a reasonable duration of the agreement, outlines what is prohibitive and remedies for breach of agreement. This document is fair for both the company and employee and has been tested legally.
Cost $125.00